Rising AP STEM Scholar Initiative Registration Form
The Rising STEM Scholar Initiative is a year round program that offers 8th – 12th grade students in the Bay Area the opportunity to develop skills and learn about careers in STEM and CS. This program aims to increase the number of students of color and low-income students participating in AP Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science courses. Scholars will have access to online webinars, workshops, CS test waivers, academic and professional career coaching and more! Become a Scholar today! Fill out this form to join the Rising AP STEM Scholar Initiative and stay in the loop with our programming. The Rising STEM Scholars Initiative is a partnership powered by Google.org and the Kapor Center. Learn more at kaporcenter.org/bayareastem Become a Scholar today! Parents and guardians! You can also fill out this form to stay in the loop with our programming. The Rising STEM Scholars Initiative is a partnership powered by Google.org and the Kapor Center. Learn more at kaporcenter.org/bayareastem.
First Name*
Last Name*
Prefer Not To Say
Please select which racial/ethnic groups you identify with*
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Middle Eastern
Prefer not to answer
Current Grade Level*
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
High School Graduate
What are you most interested in learning about?*
Careers related to Computer Science
Careers at a Technology Company
Careers Using Technology
How Technology Impacts Black/ African American Communities
How Technology Impacts Latinx Communities
How Technology Impacts Other Fields (Health, Fashion, Entertainment, Sports etc..)
Computer Science Courses + STEM in High School
Computer Science Courses + STEM in College
AP Computer Science Course/ Exam Information
AP Computer Science Course/ Exam Preparation
Women in Computer Science + STEM
Your Email (By providing your email, you agree to receive Rising STEM Scholars Newsletter and Event Information)*
Parent/Guardian Email Address